Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Weekend........

A wedding

with this handsome man
 this included our precious boys being looked after OVER NIGHT. yay

A date day we did have that started with a beautiful sleep in, that had us waking to the most wonderful sound on this planet other than my boys squeals of laughter....
(oh how I love thee)

Once we finally decided to hope out of bed we continued our day with breakfast

(mmmmm such a spunky man)

we then ventured out for a little window shopping. It was so lovely not to have to worry about 
where each of the boys are,
constantly asking them to hurry up or slow down,
to be careful while inside beautiful jewellery shops (they have an obsession with touching all the long chain necklaces which then gets them all tangled, therefore I have to UNtangle them all).

We then meet up with some friends and had some yummy lunch.

We then picked up our little men and headed to a friends for dinner.
This is how they sat for most of the night.

Best mates.

Hope your weekend was fabulous.

Kristie xx


  1. You have a lovely blog here. Blessings to you and your beautiful family.

