'I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.'
(Psalm 139:14)
This verse has been in my spirit this morning after listening to a sermon on my local christian radio station. The lady was talking in relation to single christian women and their search for a partner.
Even though I am happily married the words she was speaking were really penetrating my heart.
The Lady was talking about God being a jealous God and how He commands us in the Old Testament to love Him with ALL our heart, mind, strength and spirit.
I truly believed that I was, Until I realised that I was looking for my WORTH from others instead of loving God with EVERYTHING that was within me. He created me there-fore my worth should be coming from Him.
When I met my hubby I craved the attention he would give me and would get lost in all the adoration and love. Though even still to this day it just never seemed enough, I was and still am, hungry for more and my poor husband bears the brunt of my anger when he cant fill the need to my high standard. This i now realise can only be filled by Jesus.
Once again I am at the feet of my Jesus on my knees surrendering to all that He is and represents...
I want a more passionate and deeper intimacy with my Creator, The One who knew me even before the earth was formed, when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. (psalm 139:15)
'How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of them!'
(psalm 139:17)
Kristie xx
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