Friday, April 29, 2011

Things Im Loving..

I'm linking up with this lovely lady today.

What I'm loving...

 these verses have been written on my heart and soul this past week

 This beautiful woman in my world
who has been everything that I need and more
and her gorgeous daughter who has been healing my broken heart with her 
stunning eyes, sweet coos and yummy hugs.

What are you loving?????

Kristie xx

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Small Things.....

As I sit here and type there are plenty of things i am thankful......

The rain is falling outside casting a stunning low grey through my window.
The house is quiet as I am the only one in it as hubby has taking the boys out.
The men and women who fought and are still fighting for our freedom that we celebrated and remembered this early morning.
An intimate moment last night.
Friends and Family who have been quiet pillars of strength.
New friendships that are blossoming in these hard and dark days.
The comfort of my warm bed as I sit here and write.
MY JESUS, who throughout these past few days has given me peace, comfort, strength, love even some joy as I journey this new season.
HE is risen and all my sins are washed away, I have NEW life in Him. His mercies are New EVERYDAY.
Today is a good day, a SOUL refreshing day.

Kristie xx

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Happy Easter 

hoping your having a fabulous day with your families celebrating 

Much love 
Kristie xx

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A New Journey....

A new journey has begun.
One I was hoping I would never have to travel.
One that I'm not sure will ever end.
A part of me is now missing.
The tears have finally started, my heart hurts.
Im angry. Im scared, im confused, I just dont understand.

Why do these things happen? why do we have to lose things so dear.
My hearts desire has been ripped from my chest, now all thats left is a dark scary hole that will never be filled.
That special door that opens to a room full of laughter, love, dreaming as a new creation is born was open for far to short a time, now closed forever.
I cling to Jesus trying to figure out this mess, scared to fall to deep, to fall to far.
I miss feeling the excitement each time i wake that I have a miracle growing instead me,
that miracle is gone....................
I will never while on this earth get to meet our precious little miracle that we had been trying for so long to welcome into our family, to add to our already incredible world.

Jesus I need you.
The tears keep falling.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Weekend........

A wedding

with this handsome man
 this included our precious boys being looked after OVER NIGHT. yay

A date day we did have that started with a beautiful sleep in, that had us waking to the most wonderful sound on this planet other than my boys squeals of laughter....
(oh how I love thee)

Once we finally decided to hope out of bed we continued our day with breakfast

(mmmmm such a spunky man)

we then ventured out for a little window shopping. It was so lovely not to have to worry about 
where each of the boys are,
constantly asking them to hurry up or slow down,
to be careful while inside beautiful jewellery shops (they have an obsession with touching all the long chain necklaces which then gets them all tangled, therefore I have to UNtangle them all).

We then meet up with some friends and had some yummy lunch.

We then picked up our little men and headed to a friends for dinner.
This is how they sat for most of the night.

Best mates.

Hope your weekend was fabulous.

Kristie xx

Monday, April 11, 2011


Last night was truly an experience that tested my ability to handle an emergency.
My incredible husband had decided to make me a surprise special dinner just because. I was in our bedroom when I heard him call out LOUDLY, as a came into the kitchen he was on his knees clutching his hand, all he was saying was 'lots of blood'. I started to freak out just a little.
We took him into the bathroom to run water over it. He then proceeded to tell me that he was washing the knife up in the sink and his hand slipped over the blade cutting his right palm under his thumb and pinkie.
As he was telling me this all the colour had left his face. NOT GOOD.
He then told me he was pretty sure he was about to pass out, I caught him just as he fell sideways. 'CRAP' is all I could manage to say.
I got a towel under his head and tried to figure out what to do.
Thankfully my girlfriend had been coming over and arrived just in time.
She knocked on the door, i opened it freaking out and in my pj's.
She came to the rescue. Piling hubby into the car as he had finally come to, we heading to the emergency department. There was a lovely nurse there to help patch him up and send us into the doctor for further treatment.
He is now home with a bandage on his hand for the next 48hours. Thankfully it was not too serious.

What I learnt.........I'm not always great in these kind of emergencies. Something i need to work on considering i have 2 adventurous boys who at some point will probably be coming to me with something more than just a scratch. Time to brush up my first aid skills.

Kristie xx

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made......

'I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.'
(Psalm 139:14)

This verse has been in my spirit this morning after listening to a sermon on my local christian radio station. The lady was talking in relation to single christian women and their search for a partner. 
Even though I am happily married the words she was speaking were really penetrating my heart.
The Lady was talking about God being a jealous God and how He commands us in the Old Testament to love Him with ALL our heart, mind, strength and spirit.
I truly believed that I was, Until I realised that I was looking for my WORTH from others instead of loving God with EVERYTHING that was within me. He created me there-fore my worth should be coming from Him.
When I met my hubby I craved the attention he would give me and would get lost in all the adoration and love. Though even still to this day it just never seemed enough, I was and still am, hungry for more and my poor husband bears the brunt of my anger when he cant fill the need to my high standard. This i now realise can only be filled by Jesus.

Once again I am at the feet of my Jesus on my knees surrendering to all that He is and represents...

I want a more passionate and deeper intimacy with my Creator, The One who knew me even before the earth was formed, when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. (psalm 139:15)

'How precious to me are your thoughts, God! 
How vast is the sum of them!' 
(psalm 139:17)
Kristie xx