Tuesday, August 2, 2011

{The Day After Sunday}

I know a day late but linking up with this gorgeous one.

Well lets start by saying that this past weekend was not all glamorous and fun filled as I had previously hoped it would be.
Hubby was going to be away for 4 days for work and I had big plans with the boys just us time.
Well that fell in the toilet as soon as we dropped him at the train station.
Both my beloved boys came down with nasty colds that left us indoors and watching movies, wiping noses constantly, tantrums, almost a full bottle of panadol (my best friend), and 2 very sleepless nights.

Although it seems that this weekend has only bought about sadness, it did make me realise something.
That I am a very capable mother.
I have been doubting my abilities a lot lately and allowing myself to dwell on this lie, in my opinion, probably way too long.
Though this weekend without my knight in shining armour, I managed to keep things together with little to no sleep and not lose my cool, well at the kids anyway, there may have been a moment of closed door and some breathing and prayer.

So this week I am walking tall in that knowledge that I AM CAPABLE.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes you are capable...and intelligent and virtuous too! Proverbs 31! I love you girl xxxx
