This morning was NOT a nice start.
After a crazy hot night and not a lot of sleep to be had, this morning the result was not pretty.
Woken at an ungodly hour by my early riser Mr D,
the tiredness raised its ugly head and the volume of my voice was certainly not the 'inside' voice
I commonly ask the boys to adhere to.
Que lots of tears and craziness from both mumma and boys.
A little later in the morning as I watched Mr D playing quietly at the kitchen table,
God was working his magic.
Here was my moment.
The moment of forgiveness.
This is how the conversation played out.
Me: 'Sweetheart, I'm really sorry about how I reacted this morning. I should not have yelled the way I did. Did I hurt your feelings?'
Mr D: 'Yes mum you did, but I forgive you.'
Me: 'Thanks babe, I really appreciate it.'
Then the conversation took a turn that will be forever a teaching moment in my motherhood journey.
Me: 'Do you think I am a bad mummy?'
Mr D: (with shock in his face) 'Of course not mummy, you are a great mum. You are a wonderful, beautiful mum.'
Yes there were many tears.
My gorgeous, softhearted Firstborn showed me once again the powerful impact of unconditional love.
Wow what a kid!
You are an amazing mum and I hope that I will be at least half the mum you are when the time comes x love you