My lovely friend Em has started a little linky.
I'm looking forward to having a cuppa and catch up each fortnight.
Love sharing words of encouragement, wisdom and some laughs over a cuppa or two.
If we were sitting around my dining table with a lovely pot of brewed English breakfast,
I would be sharing some shocking news we received this past weekend about a dear friend of ours who has been diagnosed with Motor Neurone disease. I would tell you that it has completely rocked our world. We are standing and believing in Faith that God's perfect will we be played out. That this will be incredibly hard but rewarding journey and that already we are seeing Gods hand at work in the whole thing. The strength of the family is inspiring.
we would also chat about our little kidlets going back to school and even the little cuties going for the first time.
How our babies are growing up so fast and before we know it we will be talking about them finishing school and entering into adulthood oh my!
I would tell you how incredible my hubby has been over the past few weeks. I have been a little burnt out over the last little while and my word has my man stepped up to the plate. I certainly am incredibly blessed to have him by my side.
Id ask how things have been with you?
Whats been happening in your world?
How's your Quiet Time been?
Is there anything i can keep in my prayers for you?