I'm sitting on my warm comfy lounge as the raining is falling down the window.
bubba Z is sleeping soundly in his cot (thank Jesus, almighty that our new routine is working).
Master G is snuggled under a blanket watching a movie
and me, I'm enjoying a hot lady grey while catching up on some blogs.
Its been awhile since I have checked in to here since bubba Z was born.
The last 6 weeks have been quite a roller coaster as we settled into life with a newborn.
There were many a sleepless nights, crazy whirlwind days full of tears and screaming.
Last week we finally made the decision that it was time for a change,
Ours other two boys loved and thrived greatly on routines when they were bubbas.
It was time to put one in place for our newest miracle.
So starting Monday our house went into lock down.
We rallied together friends and family members to help with the every day tasks that could not be paused such as school pick ups and drop offs, meals, entertaining of older siblings.
We are into Day three and things are AMAZING.
After Day one we saw him settling into this new routine with ease and thanks.
I even got to venture out last night to our church's women's event WITHOUT THE BABY.
I left him in the very capable hands of the hubby, got all dolled up and off I went.
I tell you in was the BEST night.
I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.
I can finally look at my sweet little bubba and feel so much love.
Him and I we have connected, through a gorgeous smile and precious little coos.
If you are going through a struggle of any kind,
I would love to encourage you as someone special did for me this week.
There IS light at the end of your tunnel.
You may not be able to see it yet but you will.
Keep pushing forward, lean on God's amazing grace, allow Him to carry you if you feel you can no longer carry yourself.
He has given us the best gift of all to help us in our daily walk, The Holy Spirit is our comforter and protector.
Cry out to Him, He hears your cry, He sees every tear, He wants to see you smile.
Whatever it may be your struggling with I would love to pray for you.
Prayer is a powerful weapon.
I sure know that the prayers of some beautiful friends of mine have certainly strengthened me this week.
If you would like prayer please leave a comment below, you don't need to write details even just your name will do.
Remember that God loves you through all the muckiness and the valleys we go through, He will never leave or forsake us.
Be encouraged reading this that someone loves and cares for you and wants to see Freedom and breakthrough in your life.
Much love and prayers
Kristie xx