Saturday, February 26, 2011


I'll take it from here.'

sweet words placed on my heart this week from my beautiful saviour. 
A promise that if I cast ALL my cares on Him, I will have rest, HIS rest.
Me & My Jesus are pretty tight this last two weeks 
and its only going to get better.

Cling Tight to your Saviour, He is the ultimate relaxation from your weariness.

Kristie xx

'Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:29-30

Friday, February 11, 2011

Things Im Loving..

So I have been seeing a lot of posts lately about Things people are loving and thought I would join in. Hope it works.
Here is where I found the link.

And here is what I'm Loving.

This Little Man has stolen my heart.
This week has been just the 2 of us during the day, oh my heart it has been Divine.
This is us today playing with his little people train set, he Loves it.
Made my heart sing as I watched him.

Kristie xx

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Soul Food

Next week Mr Hubby is leaving on a Jet Plane (at least I know when he'll be back again).

So for this little lady I will be Unplugging ALL electronic devises for the whole week, a sort of social media/network fast type of thing. Its a little daunting but know that it will be well worth it in the end.

I have a list of a few things I want to achieve around the house though the one thing that I CANT WAIT to do is get completely lost in my Saviour, Oh my heart does long for uninterrupted tangible presence of His Holy Spirit and I plan to experience it over and over. My heart skips a beat just thinking about it.

Something else I will be getting completely lost in is these....

Kristie xx

p.s welcome to my new followers Tammi, Debbie & Widge.
I feel extremely honour you are here. Enjoy

Thursday, February 3, 2011


As I sit and write this my amazing hubby is crashed out on the lounge with a stomach bug, Master D is playing mariocart on the wii (he started big school yesterday - post on this later and today they rang me to pick him up as he had vomited) and lastly Master G is sleeping.
As I look around our entire bed contents is lying about the lounge room as we had to sleep in the lounge room the last 2 nights as its been soooooooo hot and the only air con is in this room,
The kitchen sink has enormous piles of dishes that are either drying, soaking or needing to be washed. There is washing that needs to be put away.
And my entire house is in dire need of a MASSIVE spring clean.

Even amongst all this mess I am grateful that I am surrounded by the ones I love, while today a family grieves the loss of a young man who served his country.
That the roof over our head is intact, where as some of those in North Queensland have had theirs ripped off.
Our water is clean to drink and in abundance, Townsvilles is not.
I have the freedom to proclaim that Jesus is my Lord, where some countries people are jailed or even worse killed for this.

 I could easily get frustrated and turn inward to wallow in my self pity but I'm not going to.
I make the choice to look outwards and thank God for all that I have and continue to pray for those around the worlds that are weathering much larger storms than I.

Kristie xx